Every championship may have its own specific rules, which you will be informed of when you sign on.
This document should not be seen as a constraint, but rather as a tool for drivers wishing to drive responsibly and be treated with respect on the track.
Conduct rules
- Pseudonyms or nicknames may be used within the RFRO association, although the use of surnames/first names is recommended for identification purposes on the racingfr.net domain (forum, RFRO account) and during online races.
- All drivers taking part in RFRO championships or races agree to behave respectfully towards each other during races, in game chat and on the forum.
- Each competitor must understand that this is a hobby and that we race for pleasure.
We therefore expect everyone to keep within reasonable bounds when it comes to taking risks on the track, and in any case not to do anything that might disrupt the smooth running of the race. - Cars must keep at least 2 wheels on the track at all times, unless an exception mentioned on the race topic is made, otherwise a penalty will be imposed.
If a car goes out of track to avoid a collision, no penalty will be applied.
However, if a car goes out of track in order to gain a position, that position must be given back immediately, otherwise a penalty will be applied. - Taking revenge on the track or making any accusations in the forum or chat will not be tolerated and will result in sanctions. Any driver who feels that he has suffered contact or aggression from another driver must follow the complaints procedure described in chapter 7.
- Criticizing or questioning the competition organization will not be tolerated and will result in sanctions. Any driver wishing to question any aspect of the organization is invited to contact the competition organizer via private message.
- There is nothing more painful for a race organizer than to see a championship's numbers decrease, due to lack of motivation, over the course of the season. Consequently, we expect each participant to make a firm commitment to take part in all races of the championship for which he has registered.
In the unlikely event of being unable to take part in a race, it is the responsibility of the individual driver to inform the organizer immediately. - In accordance with the previous article, drivers who have taken part in all the events of a championship will automatically be given priority for the next championship.
Race start
- By experience we know that the start of a race is the most critical phase. An incident on the 1st lap could mean the end of the race for many drivers.
Everyone must be careful about being overly aggressive at the start of the race, keeping in mind that, for most, it's a long race and it's more profitable to keep your car in one piece than to overtake a competitor.
For many drivers, the start is a good opportunity to easily gain positions on track. From the organization's point of view, this is not the case. The start is a serious obstacle to the proper running of the race, and far too often a source of trouble, accidents, complaints, frustration and irritation.
We hope that participants will consider these points and take care to start the race in a perfectly controlled manner. - In order to control the risk of accidents at the start as closely as possible, a orange zone is defined from the starting line to the 1st corner.
At the organizer's initiative, this zone may be extended to a point on the track indicated in the race briefing. Within this zone, each driver must consider overtaking with extreme caution.
Any driver attempting to overtake and causing an accident will automatically be subject to an increased penalty, even if no complaint has been made against him. - The starting procedure will be explained by the organization on the dedicated page of the Forum and will be reminded during the pre-race briefing on the Discord channel set up for the race.
- During the formation lap, poleman must drive at a minimum speed of 100 km/h and a maximum speed of 150 km/h. Other drivers must follow the poleman in a single line without leaving an excessive gap between them.
- Any driver who causes an incident during the formation lap because of excessive speed, braking or wheelspin will be penalized, even if no complaint is made.
- Drivers are forbidden to overtake a competitor during the formation lap, except in cases of absolute necessity (e.g. a competitor leaving the track in front of you).
- Drivers must keep control of their car when the lights turn green. Excessive drifting at the start is a frequent cause of accidents which can easily be avoided with a minimum of training.
The organization strongly recommends that you adjust your first gear according to this risk, and carry out a few tests before the start. - Any driver who remains on the grid after the lights have turned green will be held responsible for any incidents, including indirect ones, caused by his conduct.
- Restarts: the organization does not intend to restart the race, including in case of an accident. However, for technical reasons or any other reason deemed necessary, the race organizer may call a new start.
- Overtaking in the braking zone is usually critical. In case of an incident, responsibility is determined as follows:
- Overtaker is responsible if he launches his attack from too far away.
- Overtaker is responsible if he comes up to the defender at overspeed (dive bomb).
- Overtaker is responsible if he does not allow the defender to remain within the limits of the track throughout his maneuver.
- Defender is to blame if he falls back on the overtaker while the overtaker has managed to reach him (Overtaker's front bumper at defending pilot's level).
- Defender is to blame if he changes line while braking.
- Specific case of corners without braking zones: the driver attempting to overtake is responsible for any collisions that may occur in this situation.
- Defending against overtaking is allowed, as long as you don't change line more than once and this action doesn't cause an incident. Changing line frequently in a straight line to avoid being drafted is forbidden.
- A driver attempting to block an overtake by positioning his car in the path of the overtaker will make himself responsible in case of an incident.
- A driver who is caught in a lap must keep to his trajectory at all times and allow overtaking whenever possible.
- Drivers approaching another car in order to catch a lap should warn the driver in front of them by flashing their headlights.
One call, maximum two, is enough. Repeated calls may distract the driver in front and be perceived as impatience or even contempt. - When attempting to overtake a car on the same lap, the use of headlights is prohibited.
- Except in special conditions, headlights are forbidden during races and qualifying sessions.
- A driver who is caught in a lap and who causes an incident by failing to facilitate overtaking will be held responsible of the incident. For example, not allowing overtaking in a straight line.
- A driver taking a lap and causing an incident when the overtaken driver has done what was necessary to allow overtaking, will be declared responsible. Typically, attempting to overtake in a corner.
- Trying to overtake a competitor who is lapped by another driver is normal, but it must be done without forcing the way or causing an incident between the other 2 cars.
Typically, if there is no possibility of having 3 cars ahead of each other on the track, it should not be possible to overtake your competitor without forcing your way through.
Enter & exit pit area
- Under all circumstances, drivers must respect the speed limits in pit lane.
- If a driver notices that his pit slot is being occupied by another car, it is forbidden for him to push the other car to take his place; he must wait until the other car leaves.
- When exiting the pits, drivers must pay particular attention to the blue or yellow flashing light at the end of the pit lane, indicating whether any vehicles on the track are approaching their position. Drivers must ensure that they enter the track without creating a dangerous situation.
- If the pit exit is clear, it is forbidden to put a wheel beyond the line that separates the pit lane exit from the track. If no such line is provided, drivers must keep their cars as close as possible to the edge of the track until they have reached maximum speed or entered the first corner.
- During qualifying sessions, drivers on their launch lap must not interfere in any way with cars on a fast lap.
- Drivers on the track and approaching the pit exit must be especially vigilant of cars coming out from the pits, especially if they intend to encroach on the pit exit acceleration lane to overtake another vehicle or optimize their entry into the first corner.
- Drivers who have suffered an accident, a spin or gone off track must take particular care when coming back onto the track. They should place themselves in a position where they can see oncoming traffic, or use the tools available (mini map, spotter...). And return to the track cautiously to avoid interfering with other vehicles or causing an over-accident.
Race Chat
- The use of chat (vocal and written) is forbidden during the race and qualifying sessions.
- Chat is strictly reserved for the organization, although you may communicate with another driver using the "whisper" function (if allowed by the game).
- Non-respect of chat rules during the race will be sanctioned.
Before the race
- Drivers who wish to take part in a championship must be familiar with the present regulations and with the specific rules of the championship for which they are applying.
- Each driver must arrive ready for a race session, which means having taken part in at least one training session, if possible on the server, to avoid compatibility problems. If you haven't had a chance to train, you should consider not taking part in the race.
- Each drivers is expected to have a stable connection. Race officials retain the right to kick out any competitor whose lag becomes a problem for other drivers.
- Racing with a steering wheel in good condition is strongly recommended. For safer driving, keyboard or pad driving is highly discouraged.
Incidents and complaints
- Any driver who feels that he has suffered prejudice from another driver is invited to submit a claim to the championship organization.
- Any driver who has witnessed an incident between 2 drivers or a dangerous manoeuvre by another driver is encouraged to submit a claim to the championship organization.
- Anyone wishing to submit a complaint must send a private message to the organizers, stating:
- the name of the driver against whom the protest is made
- timings of the incident - No verbal protest will be tolerated on the forum or race chat.
- Protests must be submitted a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 72 hours after the race.
- For every complaint, a decision will be taken by the organization, which is final and without possibility of appeal.
The RacingFR Code of ethics
11 commandments for online players were defined when the association and the RacingFR.com forum were created. This code of ethics expresses the basic values which inspired the founders of the association and which continue to inspire their successors today:
friendliness and fair play
They must be read and applied by anyone, member or not of the association, who wishes to participate in a session on our server. Violation of this charter may result in the expulsion of the individual concerned by the organization.
- Join the online games using the same nickname as on RacingFR.net It's nice to recognize each other.
- When you connect to a game, say Hello, it's nicer !
- Avoid chatting during the qualifying sessions. It distracts those who are doing their timed laps.
- Take your time to overtake. Wait for your opponent to make a mistake or be sure you can pass. There is nothing more annoying than getting bumped out. And don't forget the most important thing: the main thing is to cross the finish line...
- Especially during the start, lag can be present. So, during the first corners, take your time before trying to overtake. The race is long...
- If you make a mistake and take out one of your opponents, wait for him and let him pass you again. It's more fun and will fix a good part of your mistake!
- Cold tires and cold brakes make your braking distances longer. Think about this for the first few corners.
- The person who administers the game will tell you the procedures for the free practice, the qualifying, the race. Listen to him, you will know exactly what to do.
- You come to play to relax, not to get excited and win at all costs. So relax you will!
- It is possible, and common, to have a connection or hardware problem in multiplayer. If this happens, helping each other can make it easier to solve the problem and allow your friends to play.
- It is always nice to finish a race, and it is also very nice and respectful to congratulate everyone.